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Europaisches Patentamt 
European Patent Office 
Office europeen des brevets 

© Publication number: 

0 241 309 




© Application number: 87303166.0 
@ Date of filing: 10.04.87<: G 01 N 33/53 

G 01 N 27/00, C 12 Q 1/00, 
C 12 M 1/40 

© Priority: 10.04.86 GB 8608700 


Applicant: Genetics International, Inc. 

128 Sidney Street 

@ Date of publication of application : 

Cambridge Massachusetts 02139 (US) 

14.10.87 Bulletin 87/42 


Inventor: Walton, Nicholas John 

@ Designated Contracting States: 

22 Summerfleld 


New Hlnksey Oxford OX1 4RH (GB) 

Chambers, Gill Alison 

159Flatford Place 

KidHngton Oxford OX5 1TG (GB) 


Representative: Ruffles, Graham Keith et al 

MARKS & CLERK 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields 

London WC2A3LS (GB) 




The application Is published incomplete as filed (Article 93 (2) EPC) . The point in the description or the claim(s) at which the 
omission obviously occurs has been left blank. Page 15, line 16 

A request for correction of page 15 of the description has been filed pursuant to Rule 88 EPC. A decision on the request will be 
taken dunng the proceedings before the Examining Division (Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, A-V, 2.2). 
© Measurement of electroactive species In solution. 

@ In order to improve the. sensitivity of electrochemical 
assays based on an electrochemical system capable of 
generating a current, where the system comprises as compo- 
nents an enzyme, a substrate, and a mediator, with the mediator 
mediating transfer of electrons between the enzyme and an 
electrode while the enzyme is catalysing a reaction of the 
substrate, the mediator is indirectly linked with the electrode by 
a compound capable of accumulating electrical charge for 
measurement after a delay period. 


Bundasdnickerei Berlin 

0 241 309 











Background of the Invention 

o»I^ S iL nVent !° n re,a J? S t ° J aSSay technic * ues ' more especially to the measurement in solution, for instance 

t^Znn°T e °V' qUK l 0r ln " m ° fSt envlronment * surface, of an electroactive species capabte of 
transferring charge to or from an electrode. ui 

There is a growing interest in the development of novel assay techniques which avoid the use of 
radio ■sotope labels In particular, electrochemical methods have been recognised as providing a ve^tfle 

m e ~» y f T f< ? r rf " Se ? T ' nCreaSin9 nUmber <* formats - Such assays IncludTa^peremetric 
measurement of solution electroactive species. «"Fwuineinc 

Snt inve , ntion is Particularly concerned with the measurement of very low concentrations of solution 
™S,f P f ' eS ' W *l™ th8 flUX ° f e,eCtrons ,0 or from ™ electrode surface Is t™ XnoS 
ToT n^^l 65 10 9ene ^ te 3 meaSUrab ' e CUrrent ™* and above any background electrochemlsW 
More particularly, the present invention relates to methods and equipment, involving measurement o 

specific subsfrates wrthin the mixture, specific enzymes, or components having a specific binding reaction 
acids? q ^ 

The published European Patent Specification EP78636 (European Application No.82.305597) describes an 
assay method for a substrate of an enzyme. The assay is based on the direct electrochemSeaiuTment^ 

reference! 0 "' "° W referred t0 ,he EP78636> whlch is '""orpoiated herein by 

whntS example, EP78636 explains the use of such mediator-linked measurements to detect glucose in 
whole blood. To achieve th.s end, a suitable system comprising a mediator and a glucose-catalysing en^ne 
(for example glucose oxidase or glucose dehydrogenase) are located on the surface of^Sode^e 

a ^l e P l COnta ° ted , Wh0 ' e b ' 00d> md * e SySlem reacts s P eciflca "y ««» th^glose Safbio^d 

^ e of mpHL^f "'^'f 1611 10 the 9, ^ C0Se concemratI °n- As mentioned In EP78636. a particularty suitable 
for instance ametallocene compound which has electronic properties rendering* capab e 
f 9 T'^fr 3 faC " e manner between ,he redox enz y" 1e taction and the electrode Important 
^^Lt^ » °T ^ mp ° UndS inc,ude ferrocene and various substituted ferrocene derivatives. 
nrf= 0 n,l q " % " "".T real,Zed the technol °9y described In EP78636 might aiso be used to detect the 
S ^^fh^T 0 "" 1 ,^ en2yme - such ause, aferrocene or other mediator is used with an excess amoum 
with EEES^ ■ "7 ° r dry t sys,em t0 whteh 30 ^"nan <*n be added. The assay specimen will rearf 
Tta r«t^,T„^ d Sf" e h rate fcurrent only if asuitable substrate-reacting enzyme is present in the specimen. 
The system can be further elaborated to deal with a chain of enzyme reactions - 
ouhS e p^Q^°L fUrther ele A ctr ° chemical assay procedures and assay equipment are to be found in 
EPI2I1I7 ^iT App ! ,ca ! lon 84.303091), EP125867 (84.303085) EP125136 (84.303086) and 

reference. (84 • 303087, • the reader ,s now referred to t" 68 * texts which are incorporated herein by 

ra ^* e ^ ° f H * e ! e T t is the use 01 a m adiator to transfer charge while the enzyme is catalysing a 
™lci ^ T 3 ^ 6, and - th6 deteoti0n * ,he conse ^antial current which flows. Illustrativetyfora^ 
enzyme as in the glucose assay ,n EP78636. the assays rely fundamentally on the following cyclical sequences- 





substrate g x ' 

enzyme 0x < 

enzyme Re 





\ electrode 


subslrate"^™ n^^T '° X !.T d ". Re " res P ective| y indi «=ate the oxidised and reduced forms of the 
substrate, enzyme or mediator, and *e' indicates an electron. It will be appreciated that the species 
"substrateox- is more usually referred to as the product. species 
The net effect of the sequence is the continuing transfer of electrons to the electrode which is detected as a 
flowing current. The magnitude of the flowing current provides a quantitative measure SeSa^s 


0241 309 

respect, the reader is referred to Examples 7, 8 and 12 of EP78636, and the corresponding Figures 3, 6 and 7 
which show the linear correlation between flowing current and glucose concentration. 

Essentially, when a steady state enzyme reaction is mediated by a suitable amount of mediator, then a 
steady current is obtained. An important further development of the basic system is to be found in EP125139 
(84.303090). The EP1 25139 describes the perturbation of the steady state system by effective variations in the 5 
amount of enzyme, substrate, mediator, or possibly electrode area. Such pertubations are brought about by a 
specific binding reaction, such as an antibody-antigen reaction or such as the reaction of a DNA (or like) probe 
with its target sequence. In this way, the EP125139 provides an electrochemical assay for a specific binding 

In a preferred aspect, the EP125139 is concerned with an improvement in an immunoassay of the kind in 10 
which binding of an antigen to an antibody Is assayed by detection of a label. The improvement consists in the 
steps of: 

providing an electrochemical system capable of generating a current, the system comprising as components 

an enzyme, a substrate, and a mediator, with the mediator mediating transfer of electrons between the enzyme 

and an electrode while the enzyme is catalysing a reaction of the substrate; 75 

employing one of the components as the label; and 

detecting the specific binding as an alteration in the electrical current. 

A typical and useful example of this improved immunoassay involves setting up a system containing the 
enzyme and substrate in a measurement system containing the necessary working electrode and any 
reference or counter electrode. There is also present in the system a supply of mediator which is conjugated 20 
chemically as a label to an antigen which is in turn linked by a specific binding reaction to an antibody. This 
further supply of conjugated mediator is unavailable for electrochemical use in mediation for as long as it 
remains linked with the large molecular antigen-antibody complex. Such a total system can be used for 
detection or assay of the antigen. 

If a specimen containing the antigen is added to the system, some of the antigen will displace the 25 
mediator-labelled antigen. The displaced supply of mediator is then in a form conjugated only with the relatively 
small antigen molecule, and It can exert its mediating effect. The displaced mediator-labelled antigen can then 
transfer electrons between the enzyme and the electrode, thus producing a flowing current proportional to the 
amount of free antigen in the specimen. 


Objects of the Present Invention 

The present Invention Is concerned with increasing the sensitivity of the various electrochemical assay 
systems described above. A specific object is an increase in the sensitivity of the systems involving specific 
binding reactions, whereby very low amounts of the electroactive species (the mediator) can be detected. 

For example, the concentration range of many common therapeutic drugs and clinically significant analytes 35 
is often in the nanomolar or lower region. A particular object of this invention is a new assay method which 
enables detection in the low nanomolar concentration range. 

Summary of the present invention 

In accordance with the present invention, the mediator is indirectly linked with the electrode by a material 40 
capable of accumulating electrical charge for measurement after a delay period. 

In a general sense, the invention embraces improvements in the inventions of the European Patents cited 
above, where instead of direct mediation by the mediator between the redox enzyme and the electrode to give 
rise to a flowing current, the charge is accumulated on a compound which acts as a charge accumulator. 

In the present system, a second redox species is used at open circuits as a reagent to accumulate charge 45 
during an incubation period from a first redox species acting as mediator. After acting upon the redox enzyme, 
the primary mediator is re-oxidlsed or re-reduced by the second redox species. The primary mediator thus 
cycles between the second redox species and the redox enzyme/substrate system, generating a pool of 
reduced or oxidised second redox species. This pool may then be electrochemlcally measured after a fixed 
time. The charge resulting from this step is thus the product of many primary mediator cycles; thus allowing 50 
small amounts of primary mediator to be measured as a current, potential or charge, and thus allowing assay of 
low levels of analyte. 

The electrode can be Interrogated after the fixed incubation time. For instance, such interrogation can be 
effected potentiometrically or galvanostaticaliy, and in either case the electrode returned to its original 
potential with integration of the resulting current-time transient. The charge accumulated by the electrode and 55 
measured by the integration is proportional to the concentration of first redox species mediating the transfer 
of electrons between the electrode and the enzyme. 

Preferred Embodiments of the Present Invention 

Any assay protocol can be employed, including for instance displacement or competitive procedures. The 60 
assay of this invention can be performed as a heterogenous or a homogenous assay. The assay is readily 
applicable to all kinds of analytes, including drugs, hormones, vitamins, food additives, etc. 

The incubation time is best selected through routine experimentation, and typically will be from 10 seconds 
to 100 minutes, more typically 5 to 50 minutes and most typically 10 to 20 minutes. 

The nature of the substrate and redox enzyme are not criticai, and can be chosen for instance from the 65 


0 241 309 

2*^* substmte/enzyme pairings given in the European Patent Specifications mentioned 
oxWase^hvZoen nernS s ^. s ^ /on ^ P*™9 * Preferably chosen from glucose/glucose 

TtZ n' , hydr0 f 9 t t n Peroxide/horse radish peroxidase; or other suitable well known pairings, 
m^orl * » ' S 3)80 " ot cmcaS ' "« <»" be chosen for 'stance from theexamples of suitable 

haSnSTete ° r9an ' C med,atO^S • indUdin9 ferr0C6n9 c ° m P° u " d s; phenazine^; carboranes! 

illustrafiorthV^Z^ dUS re9a - d iS Paid t0 the nature 01 the second red °* species. By way of 

h - • * SPeC ' eS iS P referab| y chosen fr o>" poly(vinytferrocene) or pmssian Uue 

se^dTm^s^ 65, 35 ,he char9e <"lator. is noTactive as a mediator, ^d^' be 

t ?SSJS '^an ^ "on-mediating byvirtue of physical and/or chemicai proert fes.S 
to account the reactivity, electncal charge, molecular size and other factors 

h/hf,! red °x species can be non-mediating by immobilization, and then'the assay of this invention win 
^?™ S ' Tne se Cond redox species is immob(|ized at ^ WO rkir^ lc roT SpTcS 

on the use of a poly(vinylferrocene)-modified electrode. — u,any preierrea assay is based 

Thus, for a relatively straightforward heterogenous assay method for detecting redox-active soecies at the 
nanomolar concentration level, the method uses an electrode with the second edox specfesTthe chl^a 

rh^nl^f w 3 2° ent . ,ometnc 'nterrogation. is returned potentiostatically to its original potential The 
22? K 80 d ?'^ ,S i he " 6qUal 10 ,hat acciuired ^ the ^dox-modified electrode during CcubaS 
P .n a ^K 96 V t B ' S , dlrect,y P r °P° rtional to *e concentration of redox-active median* ■ i™ esoS 
In a particularly preferred arrangement, all the components are on the electrode a foufen I ct^ 

s?i5;* rtb8d in EP127958 - 71,8 dry strip ^ ctrode 2 ssxsstf^^ 

SO the^fgtSef h0Ut bei " 9 b ° Und bY ^ Pr6Sent inVenfon ™ be re93rded as «ed by 

substrate Re . ^ ^enzyme^ /mediator^ ^ ^redox^ 











substrate^/ ^enzyme^/ ^mediatoro,/ ^reda^ 

cvcln'a^eTpZtifh^ *" se .* ond / ed ° x s P ecies - This charge accumulation occurs with continuing 
sXtrlte ' Sed 3,1(1 redUC6d f0m,S 35 me enz y n,B oxidation of the 

durina^cum^Hnn of 19 ,! 1131 *" 1™°"* '' nVenti0n ' theflrSt redox s P ecies °° ntinues to act as a mediator 
bZeen^iZ^nH a ft™ ^ Sp8Cies - Thus « *» mediatw is continuously cycling 

for^Prt ,f reduced forms, as electrons are transferred between the redox species. No convex fe 

redox spedes. and there is no similarity of the present invention with the assay 
EP155135, where a charge-transfer complex is formed. 

r 0 L*T OC H for 3 homogenous assay comprises admixing the substrate, first redox reagent, second redox 

wS ££TV H P0,Sm ? t T^ 9 e,eCtf0de: inCUb3tin 3 the °n open circurt re-^felng the 

working electrode; and monitonng the current 

pre^reoraS 3 meth ° d f ° r detectin9 " measurin 9 or monitori "9 *e 

rSf" 0 ^ 3 ? 1 ^ T^ 3 ^ c °mpound * "9"' d medium, by contact with a 
torn aTelectrode of a ♦ f*" ™ d ,hU$ Pr0V,din9 ChargB ,0r h^sfer by the mediator to or 

nTmTdiator to ftf e ™ ^ f measure ment system: in which a second redox species. 

elTcl^e^d in wh^Z!;,^ ' n,ar S 8 excess over the mediator, is also in contact with the 

eS ast e ^ir ° f , e ' eCtnC31 Char9e> transferred *«" the mediator to the second redox 
species as the enzyme/substrate reaction proceeds, is made after a time interval sufficient to r>ermrt 

Z5?3£" 3CCUmul3ti0 " of sucb charge and thus measurement of ,ow K eSSi aS 
Schematically, such an immunoassay can be illustrated by the following scheme: 


0 241 309 




enzyme w 

U Ab 

£ Ab:Ag 

Ag- mediator^ 

\ ' 

enzyme 0x\ /Ag-mediaforpgv ,2nd redox, 

Ab:Ag- mediator^ 



2nd redoxRg 




In this scheme, the antigen is shown "Ag", the antibody is "Ab" and the antigen-mediator conjugate is 
"Ag-mediatorRe" or "Ag-mediatorox". Use of a redox-labelled antigen (which acts as a mediator) in a 
competitive immunoassay system allows detection of unlabelled antigen. 25 

A redox-modified electrode which is initially, say, fully oxidised can not be reduced at a finite rate by the 
solution amplification system, such as glucose oxidase/giucose, except in the presence of a solution small 
molecule redox mediator, "Ag-mediator\ The rate at which the electrode modification will be reduced, or the 
extent to which it has been reduced after a fixed incubation time, will be in direct proportion to the solution 
concentration of active redox mediator. This mediator is the redox-labelled drug conjugate, of which there is a 30 
fixed quantity present. It is. however, in competitive equilibrium with unlabelled analyte, Ag, for a fixed number 
of solution antibody binding sites, Ab. When a redox-labelled conjugate is bound to antibody, forming 
"Ab:Ag-mediator\ it is no longer able to mediate electron flow from glucose oxidase to the redox-modified 
electrode surface. Therefore the more unlabelled analyte there is present in the solution the more 
redox-labelled analyte there will be available for mediation and hence the more charge there will be 35 
accumulated by the redox-modified electron. This charge accumulated during a given incubation time can be 
then measured electrochemicaliy by returning the electrode to its original start potential and integrating the 
current passed in so doing. The method relies on two reactions not taking place: (i) oxidation of reduced 
glucose oxidase by antibody-bound redox-labelled conjugate and (ii) oxidation of glucose oxidase directly by 
the redox-modified electrode in the absence of small molecule mediators. In practice, there is no difficulty in 40 
ensuring that these reactions do not proceed with appreciable rates. 

The invention further provides an electrode system upon which is present one or more of the enzyme, 
substrate, mediator, and secondary redox material, together with an immunological or nucleic acid probe 
system. Such an electrode may be made up as a dry strip, typically containing a ferrocene-labelled antigen 
bound to its antibody, in addition to the enzyme/substrate system and the second redox species. Such an 45 
electrode, as part of a suitable measuring system known and described in the earlier European Patent 
Applications, can be used to detect the same antigen, which competes for the antibody and in so doing 
liberates the ferrocene-labelled antigen, which is then electrochemicaliy available, in low concentrations. If 
desired, the electrode systems can be made up so as to contain only some of the species and so as to permit 
wet assay using different protocols. 50 

The invention will be further described with reference to the following Examples and accompanying 

Summary of the Drawings 

Figure 1 is a calibration curve obtained in Example 2{ii) . 55 
Figure 2 is a calibration curve obtained in Example 2(iii). 
Figure 3 is a calibration curve obtained in Example 2(iv). 

Examples of the Invention 

The electrochemical experiments were carried out at room temperature in a two compartment glass cell 60 
having a working volume of 1 cm 3 . The working compartment accommodated a 1 cm 2 platinum gauze counter 
electrode in addition to the 5mm diameter glassy carbon working electrode. A saturated calomel reference 
electrode (SCE) was used in a side arm which connected to the working compartment via a Luggin capillary. A 
potentiostat, multimeter, and chart recorder were used to control the potential of the working electrode. 
Poised potentials were measured using a high input impedance ( >2 x 10 14 O) programmable electrometer. All 65 


0 241 309 

assays were performed under oxygen-free argon. The charge accumulated during an assay was obtained as 
the digital integral of the current-time transient resulting when the electrode was scanned linearly with time (10 
mV s- 1 ) back to the start potential of + 60GmV: all potentials are with respect to a standard calomel electrode, 
"SCE". The transient data were acquired using a digital multimeter interfaced to a microcomputer. 


Example 1 

700 nl of TRIS buffer (0.1M, pH 7.14) containing femcyanide (Fe«i(CN) 1 mMol dm- 3 ) and glucose 
(50mMol dm- 3 ) was placed in the sample side of the standard three-electrode electrochemical cell. To this 
system the required amount of ferrocene derivative was added (E1/2 < +200 mV). Catalase (2500 U) and 
10 glucose oxidase (2000 U glucose oxidase, "GOD", E.C. from Aspergillus niger , RMM 186,000) were 
then added. The solution was left in contact with a pyrolytic graphite working electrode on open circuit for 1 
minute. The electrode was then poised at +400mV and the i/t transient was recorded. The current at 10 
seconds was taken and a dose-response plot constructed. A linear response was obtained. 

15 Example 2 

Electrocnemically Precipitated Poly(vinylferrocene): an Assay for Theophylline 

Pofyfvinylferrocene), "PVF", was prepared essentially according to the method of Smith et ah (Polym Sci 
(1976), 14. 2433). The polymer was electrochemicaify precipitated onto 0.2 cm 2 glassy carbon disc electrodes 

20 from non-aqueous solutions of 10- 5 M PVF in dichloromethane containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butyl ammonium 
perchlorate (J Am Chem Soc (1978), 100, 3222). The deposition potential was typically +700mV and the 
immersion time 2 minutes. Upon removal of an electrode from the dichloromethane solution it was shaken to 
remove excess solution, sonicated in buffer (20mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.93 plus 0.1 M sodium 
perchlorate) is order to remove any loosely held material, and then cycled linearly with time at a rate of 20mV 

25 s- 1 between -150 and +650tnV in buffer until a steady voltammogram was obtained. All modified electrodes 
were then stored for a minimum of 12 hour in buffer at room temperature before being used. 
The mediator was a ferrocene-ethanolamine of formula: 




The redox-labelled conjugate was 8-ferrocenyl theophylline of formula: 

The antibody was anti-theophylline serum Oravenol anti-theo H113), and theophylline was the antigen. 
Standard ferrocene-theophylline conjugate solutions were prepared by dilution of a 1mM ethanol stock 
solution with buffer. 


(i) For blank runs containing no mediator conjugate or antibody: 

To 500 u.l of 20mM potassium phosphate/0.1 M sodium perchlorate buffer, pH 6.9, was added 50 uJ of 
glucose solution (1.30M) followed by 50 uJ of GOD solution (1 .881 mM). After thorough mixing, a PVF modified 
glassy carbon electrode was added to the cell, and potentiostatted at + 600mV. At t - 0 minute, the cell was 
65 disconnected. After 10 minutes at open circuit the poised potential was measured, the electrode 


0 241 309 

re-potentiostatted at this potential and then scanned back to its original potential ( + 600mV), to give a 
current-time transient. From this transient the charge accumulated during the 10 minute incubation period was 
calculated. These blank runs gave the background response and acted as a control. 

(ii) Runs containing varying amounts of mediator conjugate but no antibody: 5 
To (550 - x) u.l of buffer was added x u.l of conjugate solution (4.228 x 10- 7 M), followed by 50 uJ of glucose 

solution (1.30M) and 50 uJ of GOD solution (1.881mM). After thorough mixing, a PVF-modified electrode was 
added to the cell and the assay continued as in (i). 

The corrected charge values are plotted against concentration of redox-labelled theophylline conjugate in 
Figure 1. w 

(iii) Runs containing a fixed amount of conjugate (65nM) and varying amounts of antibody: 

To (450 - yj uj'of buffer as added 100uJ of conjugate solution (4.228 x 10- 7 M) followed by y (in the range 15 
to 120) uJ of anti-theophylfine serum (diluted 100-fold in buffer), and the solution incubated for 10 minutes at 
room temperature. After 10 minutes, 50 uJ of glucose solution (1.30M) was added followed by 50 ul of glucose 15 
axidase solution (1.811mM), and the assay continued as in (i). 

From the charge-accumulated results of experiments containing 65nM ferrocene-theophylline conjugate 
and then Increasing volumes of anti-theophylline serum, it was found that the addition of antiserum resulted in 
a decrease in the amount of charge accumulated. The decrease is plotted In Figure 2 as a percentage of the 
charge accumulated in a standard experiment containing no added antiserum. The result is consistent with 20 
there being a reduction in the amount of redox-labelled conjugate available in solution for mediation as a result 
of some having become bound to the added antibodies. A 91 0/0 reduction in the charge normally accumulated 
in the presence of 65nM ferrocene-theophylline, glucose and glucose oxidase was observed upon addition of 
120uJ of antiserum. Addition of the undiluted anteserum (as supplied) resulted in complete Inhibition of the 
catalytic current leading to film reduction with no measurable charge accumulation over and above the 25 
background response. Addition of antiserum, theophylline or a mixture of both to standard blank solutions 
containing just glucose and glucose oxidase has no measurable effect on the charge accumulated. The results 
obtained in each case coincided with the extrapolated background response between successive standard 
blank runs. 

The results in Figure 2 were used to establish the assay conditions required for the detection of non-labelled 30 

(iv) Runs containing fixed amounts of both conjugate and antibody, but varying amounts of theophylline. 
To (350-z) uJ of buffer was added 100 uJ of conjugate solution (4.228 x 10- 7 M) followed by z (in the range 

100 to 350) uJ of theophylline solution (1.237 u,M). After thorough mixing, 100 u.l of antitheophyliine serum was 35 
added and the assay continued as in (iii). 

Addition of non-labelled theophylline to runs containing 65nM ferrocene-labelled and a fixed amount of 
theophylline antiserum (100 uJ) resulted in a propotional increase in the amount of charge accumulated 
compared to that accumulated in the presence of the conjugate and antiserum aione. This increase is due to 
the competitive equilibrium set up between the labelled and non-labelled theophylline for a fixed number of 40 
antibody binding sites. As the concentration of non-labelled theophylline is increased, so the proportion of 
ferrocene-labelled theophylline molecules bound to antibody is decreased. In other words, there is a 
proportional increase in the amount of redox-labelled conjugate in soltion available for mediation which results 
in a proportional increase in the amount of charge accumulated. It is this relationship between the charge 
accumulated and the concentration of added theophylline that forms the basis of the assay. Up to 720/o 45 
reversal of Inhibition was achieved upon addition of 666nM theophylline to experimental runs containing fixed 
amounts of conjugate (65nM) and antiserum (100 uJ). This corresponded to a 10-fold excess of theophylline 
over the labelled theophylline which therefore has somewhat greater affinity for antibody binding sites 
compared with theophylline itself. By plotting the amount of charge accumulated during a series of 
experimental runs containing varying amounts of added theophylline it was possible to obtain the calibration 50 
curve as illustrated in Figure 3. These results show that the system in its present form is capable of 
reproducibly detecting theophylline at final concentrations within the range 50-700 nM, with an overall assay 
tine of 20 minutes. 

Example 3 ^ 

Electrodeposited Prussian blue 

A solution of ferrous sulphate (Fe 2 (S0 4 )3. 20mMol dm- 3 ) and ferricyanide (FeM(CN) 3 -, 20 mMol dm- 3 ) in 
10 mM hydrochloric acid was placed in the sample cell of a three electrode electrochemical cell. A polished, 
sonicated gold working electrode was contacted with the solution and poised to + 500 mV for 30 seconds. The 60 
electrode was then washed and cycled between 0 and +400 mV in 1M potassium chloride for 10 cycles. The 
modified electrode was removed and washed, giving a electrode ready for use In the assay. The modified 
electrode was placed in a phosphate buffer (20 mM, pH 6.9, 0.1 M KCI) containing glucose (10 mMol dm- 3 ) 
along with the primary redox active species, a ferrocene (E1/2 < +200 mV). The electrode was poised as 
+400 mV and 100 U glucose oxidase added. The electrode was then disconnected and left to accumulate 65 


0 241 309 

charge for 10 minutes. After this time the potential of the electrode was measured on the high impedance 
voitmeter. The electrode was then poised to this measured potential and swept linearly with time back to + 400 
mV. The current-voltage transient was measured and the charge removed from the electrode coat was 
evaluated by integration of the area of the transient A linear dose-response curve was again obtained. 


Example 4 

Printed Prussian Blue/Carbon on a Strip 
Prussian blue was mixed with a carbon ink at 50 mg/g paste. This was then printed as the working electrode 

10 on a two-electrode strip as described in EP127958. Glucose oxidase (100 U) was placed on the surface of the 
working electrode, and the sample ferrocene in TRIS buffer (pH 7.2, 100 mMol dm- 3 glucose 0.15 M NaCI) was 
added. After 5 minutes the electrode was poised to +350 mV vs Ag/AgCI, and the current-time transient was 
recorded. The dose-response curve was linear. 
The assay system as described herein is not only generally applicable for use with redox-labeiled conjugates 

15 which shuttle charge from the enzyme to the second redox species but it can also be used "in reverse". For 
instance, a fully-reduced PVF-modrfied electrode could be used to reduce an enzyme system such as horse 
radish peroxidase plus hydrogen peroxide via the intermediacy of the redox-labelled conjugate. 



1. An electrochemical assay based on an electrochemical system capable of generating a current, 
potential or charge, the system comprising as components an enzyme, a substrate, and a mediator, with 

25 the mediator mediating transfer of electrons between the enzyme and an electrode while the enzyme is 

catalysing a reaction of the substrate, wherein the mediator is indirectly linked with the electrode by a 
compound capable of accumulating electrical charge for measurement after a delay period. 

2. The assay of claim 1, wherein said electrical charge is accumulated during an incubation period, and 
said electrode is then interrogated. 

30 3. The assay of claim 2, wherein for said interrogation, said electrode is returned potentiostatically or 

cjafvanostatically to its original potential with integration in either case of the resulting current-time 

4. The assay of claim 1, which is a heterogenous assay and said charge accumulator compound is 
immobilized at said electrode. 
35 5. The assay of claim 1 , which is a homogenous assay comprising admixing said substrate, a first redox 

reagent as said mediator, a second redox reagent as said charge accumulator compound, and said 
enzyme; poising said electrode; incubating the system on open circuit; re-poising said electrode; and 
monitoring the current. 
6. The assay of claim 1 which is an immunoassay. 
40 7. The assay of claim 6, where said mediator is a label on an antigen. 

8. A dry strip electrode for use in the assay of claim 7 and comprising the enzyme, substrate, 
mediator-labelled antigen, charge accumulator compound, and antibody. 

9. In an assay of the kind which involves providing an electrochemical system capable of generating a 
current, the system comprising as components an enzyme, a substrate, and a mediator, with the mediator 

45 mediating transfer of electrons between the enzyme and an electrode while the enzyme is catalysing a 

reaction of the substrate; the improvement which consists of the steps of providing a charge accumulator 
compound to accumulate a deficit or surfeit of said electrons during an incubation period, and 
subsequently monitoring the current represented by said deficit or surfeit 










i i 1 1 r 

15 30 45 60 75 



% decrease in charge accumulated 







i i I i — 

20 40 60 80 
vol. AB added /^l 



